Exhibited birds available
1) Eurasian Eagle Owl - largest species of owl in the world: the Great Horned Owl of Europe
2) Western Great Horned Owl - North American species
3) Tawny Owl - the most common owl in Central Europe
4) Barred Owl - North American species
5) Eastern Screech Owl - North American species
6) Red-tailed Hawk - North American species
7) Mississippi Kite - North American species
8) American Kestrel - North American species
9) Spectacled Owl- Mexico, C. America, S. American species.
10) Mottled Owl - Mexico, C. America, S. American species
11) Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture- Mexico, Central, and South American species
12) Pharaoh Eagle Owl - desert owl, smallest species of eagle-owl from Northern Africa
13) Gyr-Saker Falcon - Largest falcon - arctic bird from North America, Asia, and Europe
Permits issued by US Fish & Wildlife Service and by Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries.
Lectures, Presentations for:
- Conventions
- Schools
- Festivals
- Private Parties
- Scout Groups
- Movies
$185.00 - up to 100 people, some "hands on" with small groups.
$100.00 - additional charge for each additional 100 people or fraction thereof.
*Travel fee added outside New Orleans Area